How Does Prezi Compare to PowerPoint
When it comes to presentations, PowerPoint can be considered the go-to software. However, those looking for software for their presentation may not be aware of other platforms that are available. For all the perks that PowerPoint is able to offer, it can come with a few things that let it down. For example, some of the clipart and graphics used can be deemed a little dated.
Prezi is known as “zooming” presentation software due to its Zooming User Interface and can be considered a little more dynamic than PowerPoint due to this. A presentation can be laid out on a virtual canvas for all to see, but it zooming capabilities means that a certain area can be explored further in more detail. To gain a better understanding of how this works, users should look into how Google Maps works. User can view a map of the whole world on one screen, however if they wish to view a certain country or street in more detail, the simply zoom in for a more detailed view.
Many may opt to use PowerPoint on the assumption that it’s free, but unfortunately this isn’t the case. While it’s certainly true that it does come bundled with some desktop PCs, if a user doesn’t have Microsoft Office installed, then it can be a costly affair. The Prezi software is free, as long as you are happy for your presentations to be made public. Further options are available when it comes to who can view your presentation, but there may be a premium involved. That said, if you did wish to invest in such software, then you will find you have a lot more to offer with your presentation using Prezi rather than PowerPoint.
Prezi allows a presentation to be more fluid and aesthetically-pleasing. Many find PowerPoint presentations to be a little boring and dated. This can be put down to the visuals available, paired with people only understanding how to use certain features within PowerPoint. Because it was created to suit a number of different needs, it makes the overall product a little harder to use.
Prezi can be seen as the preferred option thanks to its easy-to-use software, and that it can be accessed via a number of different devices due to it being web-based. Users can also edit their presentations with other team members in real-time, which ensures that those all-important edits are made without any delay. The non-linear navigation and map metaphor is also preferable when compared to what PowerPoint offers.
Those who have used PowerPoint in the past for their presentations may be a little weary of changing providers at this stage. But it is worth looking into Prezi for a simpler alternative, which offers a more professional looking presentation. Granted, Prezi can become a little overwhelming when using it for the first time, but its short learning curve means that most users will be able to use the software within a short period of time.